the Space on H

Wild Sky has been working on an awesome project, alongside some fantastic local partners and we are here to tell you more!

Our Vision:

Provide Saskatoon’s core community residents, of all ages and cultures, with a thriving community centre. Our centre will engage, educate, and empower with food production, experiential nature-based education and activity, sport and community programming year-round. We provide leadership to support local residents so they have the opportunity to experience all the positive amenities that Victoria Park offers.

Who is involved?

CHEP Good Food

Riversdale Community Association

King George Community Association

The Saskatoon Mother’s Centre

Wild Sky Adventure Learning

Wildernook Fresh Air Learning

And The Rotary Club of Saskatoon

We have received $750,000 of funding from the Co-op Community Spaces grant. This money has been spent on solar panels for the roof and on a wrap around deck on the building. This increases the carbon neutrality of the building, as well as increase the foot print without increasing the carbon footprint. Further information about this can be found here: Co-op Community Spaces.

What and for whom is the building?

Placed in the heart of the Riversdale neighbourhood, the project will provide a community space with access to local physical activity opportunities.  These include Riversdale Pool, the Meewasin Trail, Saskatoon Rowing Club, Riversdale Lawn Tennis Club and the Victoria Park Skate park.  

Who has been involved in the construction?

The old building was demolished during the Winter of 2022. The building has been designed by architects at Kindrachuk Agrey Architecture Saskatoon and the construction of the building is to be begun in July 2023, and undertaken by VCM Construction. Solar panels will be installed by Living Skies Solar.