
Wild Sky Adventure Learning is a Saskatchewan-based non-profit organization run by parents, teachers, and nature lovers. We are dedicated to creating experiential learning opportunities on the land & under the sky for children and adults. We facilitate learning that is adventurous, guided by curiosity, and exploratory in nature. We strive to provide low to no cost opportunities for all.

Our History
We find it important to honour the legacy of the Saskatchewan Boreal Forest Learning Centre, the organization whose footsteps we follow in, and whose vision we carry forward as we blaze a new trail in land-based learning in Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan Boreal Forest Learning Centre worked for over a decade to bring children into the forest, and the forest into the classroom, to build the extensive trail system at Ness Creek, and to educate on the wonders and importance of the boreal forest ecosystem. We carry the Sask BFLC’s strong legacy of deep reverence for the land - forest & prairie and all in between - into our work as Wild Sky Adventure Learning.


Our Board of Directors 2024/2025:

Bree Chalifour - Board Chair and Treasurer
Hannah Temple - Secretary
Alice Decloedt
Mandy Hollands
Dave Krebs