Logistics & Enrolment Information

Update August 2024: We have a couple of spaces available for September

We offer small group, high ratio learning opportunities for those in both of preschool age and those already attending Kindergarten (3-6 years of age). Groups are capped at 8 children and our ratio is 1 adult: 4 children.

When: Runs Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9am - 12pm, from September to June following our: Wild Sky preschool calendar

Where: Victoria Park, Saskatoon and The Space on H Community Centre

Outline of a morning at Wild Sky preschool

9:00 - 9.15 am

Parents drop off and meet Instructors - play until group has fully arrived 


Welcome Circle for sharing circle greeting & check-in, story, and discovery


Arts Adventures for forest building, games, imaginative play, and exploration and skills and/or open-ended creative art making and music


Re-Wilding – location based unscripted play and adventuring


Closing sharing circle & goodbye sing along


Parents pick up

Admission Policy

  • Ages 3 to 6 are accepted year round depending on space availability.

  • Our Registration Forms must be completed and on file.

  • Being in the process of toilet-training is encouraged - for more information about this policy, please just ask.

Payment of Fees

Cost: $280 per month (for 3 morning sessions for four weeks - equates to $23 per session)

Depending on availability, we may also offer the option for attending 1 session per week at the cost of $95 per month.

Monthly payments will be due on the first day of the month and can be payed by direct-deposit or e-transfer.

For information on how to get financial support for our Preschool years, see our Subsidies page.

Funding offered by the Saskatoon Preschool Foundation could bring the costs down by as much as $1400 per year!

Wild Sky preschool
Parent Resources and Registrations Forms

Below are some helpful and necessary documents you will need as a parent of a Wild Sky preschooler. Click to Download.

  • Parent Handbook - it is the complete information package with what you need to know as the parent of a child who is going to start with, or is already attending, the Wild Sky preschool. Please print it off for easy reference.

  • Clothing List - a handy list with suggestions on how to dress your child for greatest success during Wild Sky days. We are also in the process of creating a resource list for families, so please watch this space!

Registration Forms

In order for your child to take part in this Wild Sky program, we will require the following documents to be completed, signed (electronically) and returned to us before the first day of school. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions about the following forms.

Please complete and submit these google forms:

Program selection and Child's Health Resume

Photo and Media Consent